After reviewing the actual lyrics of this song (and not the one's that my mind occasionally tries make up) I realized that they truly meant something. The lyrics are all about how life can be so completely different for any two people at any given moment. One person could be "walking ten miles to school" but another could be "dropping out." These lyrics struck sadness into my heart, but they also made me realize that compared to others, I may have an excellent, and easy life.
One of my very favorite verses of the whole song is:
"Standing on a bridge
Watch the water passing underneath
It must have been much harder when there was no bridge, just water
Now the world is small
Remember how it used to be
With mountains and oceans and winters and rivers and stars?"
This verse just shows how insignificant we are compared to the world as a whole. And it shows how much one persons life can vary from another. This song is often used at charitable events and rallies, and I can understand that. This song is all about stopping to think about more than just yourself and the little world that you live in.