Thursday, October 15, 2009

Found Book Review

"It wasn't there. Then it was. Later, that was how Angela DuPre would describe the airplane-over and over, to one investigator after another-until she was told never to speak of it again." Margaret Peterson Haddix's book, Found, thrilled me with its mind-boggling concept and impressive writing style.

Each of the characters in the story had very interesting and unique qualities about them. For instance, one character that I really enjoyed was Chip. He was a frantic, upbeat thirteen-year-old boy who has a crush on Jonah's sister Katherine. As you can imagine, the main character Jonah is not too happy about it. Jonah is also thirteen and was adopted at a young age. He didn't know anything about his background until now...

Also the plot of Found was a real attention grabber since it became stranger throughout the book. The main character, Jonah, always knew he was adopted but never thought much of it. Until he started receiving mysterious letters from an unknown source saying phrases like "You are one of the missing" and "Beware! They are coming back to get you". He soon finds out that the new kid next door, Chip, has also been receiving these unknown letters. However, Chip did not know he was adopted. Jonah's intelligent sister, Katherine thinks that there is more behind these interesting notes and that they should investigate. Jonah, Katherine, and Chip are plunged into the mystery involving unknown airplanes, the FBI, and even a kidnapping.

Margaret Haddix has always been one of my favorite writers of all time. And I must say, after reading this book she just keeps getting better and better. I would recommend Found for any reader who loves a good, but strange story.

314 pages

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