Monday, June 28, 2010

thINK Assignment: Oh, The Wonderful Days of Childhood

"Everybody is bigger than I am." As children, we love to have stories read to us. Whether it is right before bed, in the car, or just at random points during the day. One of my favorite books, a book that I still enjoy today, is The Littlest Rabbit. The title pretty much describes itself, in that the plot of the story is about a rabbit who is criticized and shunned for his size. Being a short girl myself, I could actually relate to this book. The thought of being criticized for being different just doesn't seem fair. I have spent a lot of time thinking about this. I wish that I could stand up to people like the little rabbit did. If I could just build up enough confidence to say something, the way I act might cause someone else to change. And then the cycle of being a good person would continue.

One aspect of the book that everyone can grasp are the pictures. The drawings by Robert Kraus suggest that even the simplicity of a little rabbit can evoke many different emotions and describe all types of ideas. The main theme of this book however is that revenge is sweet! But being mean can only go so far. You need to be a better person and don't just do what they did.

"Stop that! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?!" or "Don't pick on me!"

In the end, it would be a lot simpler if we didn't judge people based on appearence. We should just be the "bigger person" and let it go.

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